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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Look what we did today

We had a little fun today with the camera--imagine that! Kai was in his swing just talking to me and smiling this morning, so I couldn't resist. He's always in such a good mood in the mornings, it's such a sweet time, my favorite of the day. We just hang out and talk to eachother...he tells me really animated stories and I make funny noises at him and kiss him over and over. What a blessing he is!


Mandy said...

He is so super cute!! I love how you put them all together!

April Williams said...

i just want to kiss his face. these are great pics (of course). i can't wait to love on him. he's just precious.

campers said...

Mallory~ Hey I just found your blog! Kai is precious! I have to say I see some Jason in some of his expressions! I am so happy for y'all and your sweet little one! Keep posting those pics! I don't ever get sick of looking at him!

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

he's preccccciooooussss!

Jeffie said...

What a doll!!! I love seeing all his pictures . . . so beautiful! I'm so happy you're enjoying the tender moments of motherhood . . . nothing like it! love you sweet friend!