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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

He can smile!

He is smiling!!! These are not the best pictures of his adorable little smile, but I'll try to get some better ones soon. He's been smiling really big all the time! It absolutely melts my heart. Wow. He is just such a gift. I thank the Lord for him daily, but it's still not enough. His smile fills me with wonder at something so simple yet so amazing, and makes me realize again how good the Lord is.


Leah said...

He is getting so big!!! I think that he looks like Jason- sorry Mal!! People tell me that all the time about Jack!!! I can't wait to meet him and Jack wants to meet his little buddy!!! Miss you guys!!! Love ya!!
Leah, Neil and Jack

Mandy said...

YEA!!! I love this little guy!


Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

wow, he looks sooo old!!! i mean he is still very little :)