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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Malakai's trip to Boerne

I had so much fun at Logan and Mandy's house! The first night we were there, Mandy cooked a yummy dinner but I had to sit in my bouncer and watch everyone eat it! Then, after dinner, Uncle Logan went and got the best dessert in the world (grasshopper pie with homemade chocolate sauce) and opened the lid in front of us all....and there on the top were the numbers 3-15-08 all in cookie crumbs! It took them all a while to get it (I was trying to tell them, but they couldn't understand me) and finally it clicked with them all---Aunt Mandy is having a cousin for me!!! Oh, I'm so excited I can hardly stand the wait! I will be 9 months old when my cousin is born. I'm secretly hoping for a boy to hang out with, but either one will do! A girl would be fun too since we don't have any girls on my mom's side of the family. Anyways, I love Boerne and can't wait to go back and see Logan and Mandy and Baby Cross. I wish we lived closer to them so after he's (oops!) born, Mom and Aunt Mandy could have play-dates and we cousins could hang out! Maybe someday....
The picture on the bottom is me in my big-boy shoes the day we left for Boerne. Then there are pictures of Uncle Logan and Aunt Mandy holding me in the morning on their back porch, and the other pictures are of grandma putting me in a salad bowl. The one to the left is of me and my grandma, and of course the one above is me and my mommy!!

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