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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

10 Week Photo Shoot

Well, we had some fun with the camera the other day and Malakai is so adorable that I couldn't narrow down many of the pictures. I didn't want to post all of them on the blog b/c it would take forever, so instead, I put them in a slideshow. If you would like to view his images, go to:
Just when we think he can't get any more precious...


Leah said...

Ok so you are sooooo talented!!! Not to mention that you have a cute little subject to photograph!!! Jack needs his 8 month picture taken!!! Miss you guys!
Leah, Neil and Jack

Mandy said...

So amazingly cute!! I love your work, Mal!!

The Durham's said...

Hey:) I was just checking out all the blogs I knew of and saw your precious pictures...I mean, he is adorable:) Don't you just want to eat 'em:) Hope yall are doing well:) Bless you guys!


ThePoeFam said...

I love his sweet faces! He looks a bit like my little man to me. :)