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Friday, April 25, 2008

FEELING BETTER...even though I don't look it!

Thanks to all of you who were praying for my little guy! I finally decided that even though the doctor did not find anything, I am FOR SURE that it's his ears. Last night I gave him drops before I fed him and put him to bed and he did great. He fell asleep on my lap sitting up with his back against me. I felt so relieved to finally have an answer....even though he's still not feeling well, it's just good to know what it is and be able to some-what help him!
Look at this sad picture from a day or two ago when he was feeling so horrible and he just stood up in his crib and cried. : ( Poor little guy!


Leah said...

Where are the pictures? Am I just computer dumb or am I not doing something right to see them??

Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

I mean he is the cutest thing I have ever seen, sick or not!! I am so glad you had a good night. Did you get another antibiotic? I will call you later. Love you guys!

The Durham's said...

You're a good mama:) Keep praying and going with your gut reaction:)

Mandy said...

Oh my goodness, I am so thankful that you have an answer. He is simply precious! You just want to scoop him up!

Mal, you are such a wonderful mommy! What a blessing you are to sweet Kai!

Lori said...

Hi Mallory,
I'm glad your little one is feeling better. What is your email? I can't seem to find any contact info on your website. I'd like to ask you about a donation for Good Morning Texas, Channel 8. Thanks! Lori Bittenbender
lori at