OK, so nevermind about the teething. I think we finally had a breakthrough today! First of all, this morning when I put him down for a nap he ended up screaming for about 45 min. at which point, I couldn't take anymore, so I loaded him up in the car to go for a drive. I opened the garage door, turned on the car, realized that I had no shoes on and no gas in my car, so I ran back inside to get shoes, a sippy cup and cash, and when I got back to the garage Kai was asleep!!! So, I turned off the car, closed the garage, pulled out the extension cord and attached it to his fan for some air, and brought his sound machine out to the car as well. I left the door between the house and the garage open and put his monitor right there so I could hear him. He slept for 3 hours straight! Finally, some relief! SOOOO.......he was great after he woke up, but then he wouldn't eat and was pulling on his ears and his hair again and the screaming cycle started up again when I layed him down for another nap three hours later. So, then we tried these ear numbing drops that I had gotten from the doctor several months ago and I folded up a blanket and laid it in his crib to prop him up on, and he went to sleep and didn't scream. Praise the Lord! Even though he has an ear infection. But what's frustrating is that we had it checked twice and I was almost sure it was his ears, and they didn't find anything. Has anyone else heard of this happening? We've actually been through this before and I thought it was his ears and ended up having to prop his mattress up at an angle, but they still didn't find anything. So weird. I'm just praying that those drops work tonight!!!