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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Sweetest Little Giggle...

My mom took this sweet little video on her camera of my precious son giggling while she tickled sweet!!!!  I actually had to edit a bit of the content b/c she thought it was necessary to show his recent bowel movement that he left in his little red potty chair on the camera!  


TJ said...

So precious! You don't mean he's already using a potty chair, do you?!?! I can see your Mom now, filming the entire scene - only Judy!!!! Thanks for the Happy New Year's card/pics, too! Tell Jason Hi-was great to see you last weekend-how is Duncan Charles?!?!?

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

I was beginning to think you had given up on blogging! He's so stinking cute! Peter and I miss you guys! Can't wait for you to come see the house!!

April Williams said...

oh my gosh...i love that. so precious. i love baby's laughs so much. thanks for sharing this.