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Monday, January 21, 2008

He loves his potty chair....

To answer your question Toddi, (she left a comment in the previous post) yes, he does have a potty chair, and yes, he does go to the bathroom on it. But wait---don't worry all you moms with babies at home....he still goes in his diaper too! Although, he goes #2 more on the potty than in his diaper. BUT, there is a reason for it....
Long story short, he has always had issues w/ pooping....we'll just call it #2. He just doesn't go #2 that much...never has....even when he was a newborn, he only went once a day....same exact time every day. When we started solid foods (oatmeal, rice cereal, veggies, etc.) he got constipated and I had to give him suppositories, enemas, etc. (wasn't the first time) But, of course I knew it would only be minutes before he went #2 after a suppository, so we would sit him on the big mom's idea of course! He thought it was SO funny....from then on, he would only go #2 on the potty. I got to where I could just tell by how he was acting that he needed to go, and I would go sit him on it. My mom got him his own potty chair for Christmas, and as you can see in the pics, he LOVES it! He will potty as soon as you sit him on's really funny b/c he looks down and concentrates and when he hears himself going, he smiles real big and as soon as he stops, he lets out a little giggle, and looks at me like, "was that good, Mommy?!!!" Really adorable. Not that he's "potty-trained" but at least he knows what to do when you put him on his potty! Now if he just knew "not" to do that in his diapers, we'd be saving a lot of $!


Melanie said...

That is insane! You definitely got a jump on potty training. Kai is so stinkin' cute! Wish we could get Faith to go #2 on the potty! :-)

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

ARE YOU SERIOUS! This is the most hilarious thing I've seen all day! I love it!

Finally an Abrigg..... said...
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The Durham's said...

Unbelievable!! I can't handle it! That has to be some kind of World Record:) What trips me out is that he knows what he's doing...he's a genius!!! How are you guys:) Monty's cousin, Jessica, said she really enjoyed you and the beautiful pictures you took of them:) I hope yall had a blessed holiday and I would love to hear from you when you get a chance:)

With Joy-