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Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Have any of you read the book "If..."? We have it sitting on our coffee table and Jason and I opened it up the other day for the first time in a long time and we started asking each other questions from it. It was quite interesting and fun to hear his answers!
So, I thought, I might post a couple questions and let anyone who wants to answer go for it! I'll answer too, in the comments section. : )
1. IF you were to have your entire wardrobe designed for you by a clothing company for the rest of your life, who would you select?
2. IF you had to select any single, manmade object that best represents your personality, what would it be?

I can't wait to hear some answers!


MKP said...

1. Banana Republic; J.Crew is a close second
2. a piano b/c there are an infinite amount of songs it can play!

Rachel DeBell said...

This is HARD....
1) BCBG ( I do not get to shop there, but would if I could).
2. Ok, and I cannot think of an inanimate object. But if I were to pick an animated object it would be 4 years old kid.....because my husband says I ask too many questions!

MKP said...

OK, so nobody wants to participate in my game except Rachel!!! : (

Lori said...

Ha! I immediately thought Banana Republic as well. Can't think of anything for the 2nd one for now. Love your wedding photos.