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Sunday, September 9, 2007

Time is flying...

It just amazes me how fast the weeks fly by! It sounds sad, but in reality, the days just get better and better. Malakai is just starting to be so fun (not that he wasn't fun in the beginning). But he's smiling all the time, giggling, squealing, sleeping 12 hours at night and taking two 2-hour naps and a 30 min. catnap every day, and he' s SO close to rolling over. By the way, I can't take much credit for his sleeping pattern and schedule...he totally did it almost completely on his own! He really is such a laid-back easy baby...I'm sure our next ones won't be this easy! Anyways, here are some pictures from week 13. He is now 14 weeks. We put him in his Baby Einstein Entertainer and he went you can tell by the picture... Also, my mom played a little game of hide-and-seek with him! He was so cute!


Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

Girl take credit!!!!! I am so proud of your mommy skills!!! I need to see him and hold him!

Shawna said...
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April Williams said...

oh my gosh...that's so funny! i love this pic.

Nominate someone or something in need said...

hey mallroy!!! saw your blog!!!! miss you guys...we have to get together. he is soooooo precious! would love for you to do family pics. for us sometime!!!