My blog has moved!

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Friday, September 19, 2008


OK, so I officially have a new blog site....not kidding this time! It's still under a bit of construction, but from now on, go to this link:
I will also be adding my Krieger Fam blog to it as well---all of the posts from that blog will be listed under Categories>Family or >Malakai.
So, I guess this is my last post on this blog. Kinda sad. : (
So long, Blogspot.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


My entire website server is down! I am not getting any email since yesterday so if anyone has emailed me and I haven't responded, sorry! I am hoping bludomain will get this fixed for me asap! I hate problems like this!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cody & Taylor

This was a beautiful wedding and reception, and of course, Taylor made a gorgeous bride. The wedding was at the enormous Fellowship Church in Grapevine which was decked out with movie was unbelievable. We felt like we were on the set of a Hollywood premier...seriously, it was amazing. It was all for Vacation Bible School There were hundreds of hyper excited kids running around being escorted by staff with headpieces and walkie talkies (sp?)....kinda like the CIA....I said kinda.
Anyways, it was a great wedding. Teri, my assistant, shot a couple of these images as well. Anyone have an opinion on the "slug bug" pictures? I couldn't make a decision.

I'm back....almost!

Nope. I haven't fallen off the face of the earth....or the cliffs at Tablerock lake either. (That's where we were for about a week for my cousin's wedding.) I have been out of town for about two weeks and it has seriously taken me over a week to get somewhat caught up! I am in the process of restructuring a lot of my business, so I will hopefully be changing some things in the near, blog, etc. I'm just really into simplifying my life and business and getting totally organized. I start to feel overwhelmed and like life is totally out of control and it gets super frustrating to me. I don't ever want to loose my love for photography b/c of the millions of tedious tasks and demands that weigh in on a daily basis. This business has always been meant to serve a much greater purpose than me, or even my clients for that matter. I have so many goals for it, and am trying to narrow in on which direction I go. I know that I desire more than anything to help others and make a difference in their lives....I just don't know what that looks like yet with photography. So, I am definitely praying that the Lord will reveal that to me soon. In the meantime, I will still be changing a lot of things on the bear with me for a while! : )
Also, I've had a few of my closest friends say that they didn't know we had a family blog and hadn't seen pictures of Malakai in months and months! Oops...guess I didn't make that very clear! Here is our family blog for those of you who didn't know we had one: The Krieger Fam
You can also click on the link in the top right corner of the blog.