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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

38 Weeks

This post is mainly for my parents who live in Wichita, KS. I told them I would take pictures of myself so they could see how big I am now. I really feel like my stomach gets bigger EVERY single day. I'm so ready to have this baby....I really think he's done in there....I mean, what else does he need to do? Anyways, Jason took these pictures of me this past Sunday. I'm 38 weeks officially as of Tues. My actual due date is June 5th, but who knows....he could come a little early.

Counting down...

OK, so this is my first post on our new blog. I guess I'm now considered a "blogger." GREAT! I have officially given in to peer pressure. : ) Oh well, this seems to be the modern way our world keeps up with each other now. I guess I'll join the crowd.
Jason and I are now officially counting down the days until our new arrival decides to show his face to the world! We are having a little boy and absolutely couldn't be more excited! We are down to the point where he could come any day or it could still be up to two weeks. I would rather sooner than later of course! : ) It is just amazing to me that we are actually at this point in our lives. There were times when I never thought this would happen for us. For those of you who don't know, we were in the process of adopting a baby from Vietnam just under a year ago when we found out we were pregnant. We had been trying to have a baby for a little over a year and finally decided to lay it in the Lord's hands and accept the fact that it may not happen for us, or it may take quite a long time. We both felt like the Lord had called us to pursue international adoption and had really placed a burden on our hearts for the Asian culture after hearing about how children are treated in places like Vietnam, China, Thailand, and Korea. We still hold this idea of adopting very close to our hearts, but are open as to what the Lord has for us. We now know that we will be having at least one biological child for sure! What a blessing and a gift a child is, no matter how the Lord gives you that child. I am getting more and more overwhelmed with the fact that we are about to be responsible for a life that is totally dependent on us. I am amazed that the Lord loves us enough to entrust us with such a huge responsibility. It is truly a miracle. Our lives are going to change drastically, completely, and things are going to be much more difficult and time-consuming. We're going to be exhausted, our house will probably be a wreck more often than not, we will be constantly changing diapers, spit up on, peed on, woken up, and things I don't even know about yet, but I can honestly say, I have NEVER been more excited for something in my life. Tears fill my eyes when I think of hearing my child cry for the first time, holding him, seeing his face, his tiny fingers and toes. I just can't wait to touch him and hold him close to me. I'm afraid I'll never want to put him down! I can't wrap my mind around the fact that that moment IS coming, and soon!! Oh, that the Lord would give me more patience!